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20 moments

last year i had a teacher who would have the most in depth moments with the class, it was a super exciting place to be in. one thing they told us that i still haven't forgot (and has become increasingly relevant to me recently) was about how we as humans have around 20 good "moments" in life

like those moments where you're with your family at the perfect sunset and the air outside of you matches the air inside and you just feel so peaceful

when she said that originally i tried to think if i had any of those moments yet - i think i did i just may have forgotten, but i had one of those moments around two months ago and it still makes me feel joy

so keep finding those moments!!

also sorry for being so intentionally vague about my moment if you want to ask me it irl please feel free!

music rec for this page

the last dinner party - nothing matters

short explanation

song i was listening to in one of those moments (also thanks dad for the artist rec)